Platinum, Premium, and Prime Early Access and More!
Everyone is welcome to shop the presale!
Each adult needs pre-paid tickets to get in and kids are free.
Presale Shopping =
Biggest Selection & Biggest Savings!

Which Presale Ticket Can You Get?
Team Members Shop First-ish
(Obviously I get to shop first lol)
You have to be a Seller AND have at least 1 (one) Team Member shift at the sale. Tickets are FREE for Team Members.
Sellers are next!
You have to be a Seller to shop. Sellers can bring 1 guest and tickets are FREE.
Platinum Presale Tickets are Next at $25
Everyone is welcome to get tickets. This is the earliest anyone from the general public can enter to shop.
Premium Presale Tickets are $20 (Usually the next day)
Everyone is welcome to get tickets.
Prime Time Presale Tickets are $10
Everyone is welcome to get tickets.
Community Early Access Tickets are $5
Military families, Teachers, First Responders are first and must have a badge or ID to show at the door. First Time Parents & Grandparents, and Foster parents shop after and we go off the honor system.
General Admission
General Admission at the door for public days is $3 but you can Get In Free with a ticket!
Discount Days
Half Price Early Access
The 50% off presale is for Team Members and Sellers ONLY. We sometimes give a 30 min advance access to shoppers who bought something earlier at the event. Their receipt with their ticket gets them in and says the entry time at the top! Entry is FREE with the exclusive tickets.
Half Price Shopping
All items without stars are 50% off the tag price! This is where you get the greatest savings and those last minute deals. Walking entry is $3 unless you have a Free Ticket.

Shop And Earn Money? Ummmmm Yes Please!
Want to shop first? Want to clean out all the outgrown clothes and toys to make room for the new stuff? Sell with US!
Many of our sellers make back what they bought which is WIN WIN.